Belvedere Vodka , 5cl
Luxurious offering from Poland. Medium bodied with faint vanilla any crushed grains. The finish is of a reasonable length with butter and nutty cream notes that fade into lemon zest.
Absolut , 5cl
Swedish Chefs vodka of choice! Soda bread and faint vanilla notes. Reasonable finish with a hard pepper close.
Grey Goose, 5cl
Fantastic grain Vodka that lives up to its esteemed reputation. Silky mixed citrus zest and soft wheat unfold both slowly and smoothly on the palette. The finish is dry and clean with moments of lemon and crushed wheat; has a great length too. Big thumbs up. Grey Goose always delivers. Extremely well made vodka and well worth the money.
Smirnoff Red, 5cl
The one that started it all! Pepper and peppermint notes start up upon entry. These move aside as a clean sweetness takes over and then finishes with white pepper and a faint yet recognizable liquorice ending. Classic little number that we've all done time with.
Crystal Head, 5cl
Blues Brothers or Ghostbusters aside, this is a serious spirit! Super clean vanilla notes with a touch of lemon and a smooth pepper and lemon rind finish This is best straight form the fridge but comes up well at room temperature too.
Disaronno, 5cl
It’s hard to believe but Disaronno Amaretto does not contain any nuts, simply their enticing flavour. Reminiscent of Amaretti biscuits and the world’s favourite Italian liqueur, almond aromas are deep, intense and deliver a flavour which is popular around the world. Combining natural herbs and fruit steeped in apricot kernel oil, Disaronno Amaretto has a heady and floral scent which follows through to its flavour. With a history dating back over half a millennium, Disaronno Amaretto is a flavour which has always been loved.
Chivas Regal 12yr, 5cl
A single store right up in Aberdeen is where Chivas Regal is created. The art of blending has been honed to perfection, allowing the creation of a range of stunning Chivas Regal whiskies enjoyed around the world. Chivas Regal 12 year is recognisable because it’s lighter than your average dram, has a distinct sweet aroma and a smoky character, distinguishable on the palate which releases elements of all the different flavours behind its blend.
Jack Daniels, 5cl
How do you drink your Jack? Hardly in need of an introduction, Jack Daniel’s exceptional sipping’ whisky is one of Tennessee’s finest exports. It’s exceptional and unparalleled flavour is down to the traditional methods used in its distillation and filtration through super maple charcoal helps ensure the smooth, mellow flavour is both rounded and enticing. Notes of chocolate orange, charcoal and a woody hint satisfyingly linger long after that final sip.
Baileys, 5cl
The Original Irish Cream Liqueur, Baileys is a flavour which is known around the globe. The world’s number one liqueur for good reason, Baileys Irish Cream offers the perfect balance between specially selected Irish whisky and fresh dairy cream. Hints of cocoa and vanilla come through offering a sweet dessert drink which, when served with crushed ice, is one you’ll want to fill up again and again. It’s also a complete necessity for a classic Irish coffee and a wonderful nightcap.
Lillet Blanc, 75cl
Classic French aperitif. Waves of honeyed tropical fruit and glace cherries with smashed sauvignon grapes and floral notes. Starts out sweet and moves into a dry zesty almost zingy finish.