Bacardi Spiced Rum Spirit, 70cl
Patron Silver, 70cl
Cariel Vanilla Vodka, 70cl
The vodka originally used in Douglas Ankrah's infamous Pornstar Martini and a one of the best vanilla vodkas available on the market. Cream soda and lush vanilla pudding notes spin around on your tongue wrapped in soft ripe lemon. The body is medium to full and the kick is clean and soft with a creme anglais note. This stuff really is outstanding and does real well when kept in the fridge. Drinks wise, flavour combinations are endless. to start off try it with chilled freshly pressed apple juice with a few squashed up blackberries. YUUUUMM!
Divine Lychee Wine , 50cl
Martini Rosso , 75cl
Manhattan standard issue! Big bitter sweet stewed stone fruit notes with zesty orange and Manuka Honey flavours. This flows into a big bittersweet orange and squished hot plum and sloeberrry finish.